Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hit the Ground Running, But in Which Direction?

Barack wants nothing but reform, change and progress in a deteriorating country, but his hands are tied with the sharp and nasty rope of economy. The crisis has but a damper on the gung-ho attitude of the campaign. What big change will come first, health care, education, clean coal improvements? The boulder in the path to those colossal reforms is money.
Some advisors say that President Obama will have to begin with a potpourri  of smaller changes, starting with passing many of Bush's vetoed bills, just to show that change is happening. Others worry if Barack doesn't feed off the election energy in the first few months, then the opportunity for huge modifications  in America will pass. 
Obama is young, and he has before him a country that desperately needs change, but will he try to do to much? History shows that some men the likes of Roosevelt and L.B.J. can do an awful lot, the tricky task is to determine when its too risky.  Days before the election Obama clearly ranked his priorities #1 economy, #2 energy, #3 health care, #4 tax reconstruction, #5 education. 
But, times will change between now and January 20th when our 44th President will take office. Who knows what he will be capable of doing by then.

xoxo hEn

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