Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Choice 2008



This is a big deal. Tonight, October 14, 9:oopm, watch the Choice 2008.
This is one of the most memorable elections in decades pitting Veteran John McCain against Newbie Barack Obama. Tonight, Frontline will examine the personal and political biographies of the two men who potentially could change the world. It is imperative that all American fully understand the choice they are making before they Vote in November.
PLEASE! all those who have access to a television Tonight Watch it!!
if you aren't convinced yet, visit this like with previews for tonight's program:

All the attention that has focused on the politics of the economic crisis. Do we remember the attitudes of each candidate prior to the fall of Wall St.? Do we even remember the Iraq war!? THis program will invite us to remember, rethink and re-evaluate or opinions.it's important that we look at this change. observing reactions during a crisis is one of the most telling aspects of a persons charactor.

Remember 9pm tonight PBS
xoxo hEn

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