Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe Schmoe

After leaning heavily on the plumber Joseph Wurzelbacher , John McCain has once agian backed himself into a corner. It turns out that Joe is not exactly the perfect counter to Obama's tax plan campaign, as McCain has been claiming. A little research has rather publicly revealed that Joe would actually benefit from Obama's tax plan! Oops! Also, "Joe the plumber" isn't even a licenced plumber! AND he owes back taxes!! Wow... as if McCain could dig his own grave any deeper...

I suppose it would be hypocritical of me to place to much importance on this fact after I have spoken about how little things like this don't matter, but I can't help but wonder... if McCain pays so little attention to the details in "Joe the plumber's" life, how much attention will he pay to the lives and well being of the rest of the American people?
xoxo heN

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