Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is That Really 'Necessary and Proper'?

McCain's ad campaigns are embarrassing. Not one single add  that terminates with John's reassuring countenance, says a single positive word. McCain/Palin rallies have grown ugly.  When the election gets to this point, i get really nervous. I fell like it's turning into a game, Red team against Blue. Maybe its a town rivalry, high school sports. Parents start to yell at the refs, and each other. They bring up which school has better SAT scores, calling the inferior school out on poor hiring in staff and how if the game had been at home the hoops wouldn't have been as bouncy. Anger takes over and no one says what they really mean. Almost nothing is valid. But to the little siblings sitting in front, they take what their parents are yelling for unmistakable truth. But here is the scary part. This is a Presidential Election that will change the world forever, not a small town Basketball game. I'm scared about the nieve people that hear ads and believe them. Or, like myself, defiantly don't believe them, but don't know all the facts myself. Im scared about those who stand at rallies and claim that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a terrorist, call out "Kill Him!" "Off With his head" and yell out treason when his name is spoken. Are we in some medieval monarchal society that wants the king executed? This hatred being voiced must have some prejudice behind it,  Is it Race? What I am worried about is that this unjustified slander will drown out any intelligent constructive campaigning that either of the men will do. 

Why no elections come to this point? is it necessary? and proper? is it human nature when there is no more good to say about ourselves, that we say the bad about others? i dont know, but it seems that way. 
xoxo hEn


Anonymous said...

McCain seems to be painting himself and his running mate into a corner. Why just the other day he was "forced: to refer to Obama as a decent , family man because a woman at a town hall meeting, when in possession of the microphone, called him an ARAB!

McCain had to diffuse that and back pedal.

This argument you are making is precisely why we do not get the best people to lead.....who would want to put their families and themselves through this!

Obama may be the exception to the rule- he seems like the real deal. Great entry, E

Paul Perkinson said...

We should not forget that the point of joining in an election is to win. If you do not win, you are not in a position to effect/change the public agenda. OBama has given himself the challenge to both win AND run a clean campaign that not littered with negativity. McCain comes from a political tradition where negativity gets you elected.

As a nation, we have yet to figure out how to talk about race without seeming overly cautious or downright racist. Palin especially is playing into that darker side of our nation's color line. It does not surprise me one wit that things are being said at their rallies. They would score points with Indy voters by shouting them down...something I fear they will not do because it might alienate another part of their electorate.