Thursday, October 30, 2008

Infomercial.. help or hurt?

Last night there was a half hour infomercial put forth by the Obama campaign. when i head about it, i was put on edge. wont that sound desperate? wont it serve as bait for the snapping jaws of the drowning republican campaign?
Luckily, i think that it was a success. It was a program that did not mention once McCain's name, its only purpose was to promote the most positive and informative points in the Obama agenda. opening mostly with a discussion in Taxes (boy, haven't we been hearing that complaint since the 1600's!!!) then talked about creating jobs, clean energy, foreign oil independence, education, and economic distress. with intermittent personal stories and clips of past speeches, the program was actually quite moving. i think it served its purpose. At the end the show cut to a live feed in Florida. Obama was in a stadium with thousands of supporters. His last message was a plug to get people to go out and knock on doors, and VOTE!!!!!!! especially for him!:)

My worry that the commerecial would spawn more ridicule was also true as it turns out. McCain took a preemptive strike at the whole idea before it aired when he called him a "peddler with questionable goods" he warned people that “When you’re watching this gauzy, feel-good commercial, just remember that it was paid for with broken promises,’’. Here he is refering to Obamas uniuqe funds raising style. he had implied that he would follow with the traditional way in the begining but his disision to raise private funds was a smart one and obviously has worked. MaCain critisizes the expensive commerecial but Obama has to spend that huge amount of money somewhere, he cant just keep it!!!
xoxo hEn

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