Wednesday, October 8, 2008

THE one!

So, the debate went well, we got to see the  town meeting, John's strong format, but boy does he look old!! On a whole, I just thought the evening was a little awkward.  To begin with, why was Mcain all up and moving around while Obama was talking? When did he change his mic from hand-held to clip on? and please, stop with the jokes old man! Most importantly, what was with  Mcain's comment "that one" referring to Obama during a discussion on energy. Did he, Mcain, make an extremely detramental slip of the tounge, or, was it an expression of a pent up hate and anger? I donno.  but I do think the "that one" incident is going to circulate around for a while and hinder Mcain's campaign.  You know what is also hindering Mcain's campaign?   his Vp. On my way home I pass houses of neighbors which a know and like, yet, they are sporting Mcain/Palin sings all over their driveways! these are smart people, and I just cant comprehend why smart people really think that Sarah Palin will be a positive force in the White House. It's serious, I get that she loves her family and her town, but so do a lot of people, are they running for Vice president? 
xoxo hEn

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