Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Share the Love

Of all advanced democracies in the world, America has the biggest disparity between rich and poor. Our wealth gap is a shameful chasm, and yet John McCain attacks Obama for his plan to help spread the money around. Obama's plan gives a tax break to those earning under $250,000 a year (including Joe the Plumber, incidentally) in an effort to narrow the affluent-non affluent difference. McCain, desperately catering to the votes of the top 20 percent of the American population, slams Obama's plan as "socialist". What I want to know is, how can anyone, even John McCain, attempt to peg a plan that creates equality as "unfair"? Yes, I understand he needs to disagree with Obama, but really? The exchange and creation of wealth has always been a staple of the American Way, and as long as our democracy stays strong it will continue to act as such.

And, I would like to say, Obama's plan gives me hope. We can set an example for the rest of the world. We can once again be that nation of fairness that other nations aspire to emulate. The United States of America, with liberty, justice, and opportunity for all!!

xoxo heN

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