Friday, October 24, 2008

Planned Parenthood Pounds Palin

Did anyone else get the pamphlet in the mail from Planned Parenthood? I was surprised that the organization as a whole would have a political agenda, but their reasons are sound. Shockingly, the dark, dramatic-looking pamphlet reveals three major points about McCain and Palin:

1. The running mates oppose sex education programs that teach anything other than abstinence-only... reality check please!
2. McCain voted against covering birth control by insurance... just to make sure that as few people as possible can be safe from unwanted pregnancies.
3. And most importantly in my eyes, John McCain and Sarah Palin both opposed the Violence Against Women Act, which ensures that rape victims are not charged for the emergency exams used to prosecute their attackers. These exams can cost up to $1,200.

So I know it's propaganda, and I know I should take it with a grain of salt, but the truth is, it shocked me. These are grave accusations, and they certainly influence my image of McCain and Palin in a very negative way.
xoxo heN


Whatwaswrongwithcamo? said...

This does point out the peculiar irony of the Palin selection at the August convention. The aim was to gather up the angry and disenfranchised Hillary voters who just could not be part of circling the wagons when the Dems selected OBama over Clinton.

Powell had it right when he supported OBama over McCain given the judgement he demonstrated in selecting Palin. Powell pointed out that McCain put his campaign to win above the needs of the country.

Country First! Who is kidding whom?

How sick is it to believe that is right to expect rape victims pay for the med kits that are used when when a woman is brave enough to step forward and report a rape.

Emily9 said...

It makes me sick to think that if McCain/ Palin gets elected as the president/ vice of the United states of America, that rape victims wont be able to get abortions!

Do they really think that by teaching abstinence-only, and keeping birth control away from people who need it most, that they are going to reduce the abortion rates?!

Come on! Even I know that thats not going to work! Are we seriously considering taking this path?

Please America, find your voice, find your head, think.