Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politics are on our minds...

last weekend i was at a concert downtown and havin a lot of fun. next thing i knew i was looking up at the backdrop screen behind Jason Mraz and saw my favorite presidential candidate for 2008!! listening to the lyrics right then i heard
"Try to picture the man
To always have an open hand
See him as a giving tree
See him as matter
Matter fact he's not a beast
No not the devil either
Always a good deed doer"

i thought it was so great that politics had made there way into all aspects of life. I was happy to see every person attending raise their hands and scream fore  glee. It was a young group of poeple at that concert and i hope they are all heading to the poles on nov.4th. 

xoxo hEn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out sunday times magazine article on the "making (remaking) of MaCain.....fascinating insight into the inner workings of a campaign.....its what we DON'T see that matter most!

Keep up the outstanding work, published writers, you are doing fine work!