Tuesday, October 21, 2008

remember to vote all the way down the ballot

for those living in the state for lovers, i really want you to hear this. Tom Pariello is running for congress in the 5th district, and i went to see him talk last night. wowzers. two days ago, i wasnt even sure what he was running for, and there was no way i could put a face to the name. The things he has to say are incredible, and most defiantly need to be heard. #1, he isnt from new york, as Goode would have you think, he was born in Albremarle County. #2, he is determined to SOLVE problems, to work, as best he can. he emphasized the statement, "its not a question of right and left, its right from wrong." he is a devout catholic, but does not preach his beliefs, but lives them. he has been working in Darfur and Afganistan to try to bring peace.
this man it part of a new era of politics, same as Obama. They, together, will bring a new light, energy, and sensibility to washington that has been lacking in the past years. The two men both have not taken any money from lobbyists. thats revolutionary within its self.
just a few weeks ago, Periello was down 36 points in the polls. yesterday, the were living in a deficit of 6%. 

I want to make sure that everyone is aware of Periello and Warner, as well as Obama. these people are game changers to. make sure you vote all the way down the ballot.
xoxo hEn

1 comment:

Whatwaswrongwithcamo? said...

Go Tom Go.

Thanks for supporting this guy. He puts Virg to shame in lots of different ways. That, of course, presupposes that Virg can feel shame.

Tom P. thinks...how novel and special! He strings together sentences that are complete, sensible, and cogent. Is that too much to ask of our statesfolk?

I do not think so....

Do check spelling...of his last name.